"The PPC experts at VIVIDSITES can help you make sense of Google AdWords and other SEM/PPC options to take advantage of unprecedented opportunities."
Many business owners are overwhelmed by the process of AdWords and other SEM/PPC services. This isn't a problem if you've been working with AdWords for an extended period of time, adding knowledge incrementally. However, it's a different story if you're trying to digest everything all at once. Many business owners are overwhelmed by the structure and find themselves too intimidated to get started, which leaves them missing out on opportunities.
Whether you're in an established campaign and are looking to grow, or if you're just starting out, VIVIDSITES can help get you to where you need to be. All of our work, PPC and SEO, is analytics-based and goal-oriented. We are not satisfied with just getting more visitors. Our focus is getting visitors who will take your desired actions. We will set up more tracking and reporting than is typical, so you will know more about what’s working. Our goal is to deliver smarter data to leave our clients empowered with valuable information.
We will look to use all the tools that can work for your business, including:
Search advertising (keyword-based) is what you see at the top, right side or bottom of the search results (the placement varies). For many people, this is the top priority in AdWords, because the visitors are so targeted.
Display advertising (content-based) doesn’t show up on Google search. They are on sites that partner with Google. There are thousands of sites, ranging from major newspapers to niche blogs. These can be either text ads or banners. The upsides are that you can go beyond the limit of relevant keyword-search terms, plus you can differentiate yourself with images.
Retargeting-based display advertising show up on the same sites as the display advertising above, but they are triggered by whether someone has been to your site. This gives you opportunities for additional messaging and staying top-of-mind.
Contact us today to discuss what opportunities are available for your business.